Buckholt Dog Nursery
Buckholt Dog Nursery 

Room Charges

At Buckholt we charge clients per day.  This gives you the flexibility to leave and collect your dog at your convenience anytime between 11:00am and 4:00pm 7 days a week.  


Their room will be allocated to them all day.


All our prices include insurance, food and a complimentary bath at home time.


Please see the table below for our current charges.

Number of Dogs  Charges 
1 dog £35.00 plus VAT per day
2 dogs 

£45.00 plus VAT per day

3 dogs 

£53.00 plus VAT per day

4 dogs 

£55.00 plus VAT per day


ALL prices are per day and inclusive of, home cooked fresh food, treats, beds, bedding, comprehensive insurance up to £1,500, bath and perfume

PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to increase prices at any time.  We charge for both the day your dog arrives and the day your dog leaves.  There is no reduction for part day.

MasterCard Visa American Express Advance payment Cash on delivery Bank Transfer
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Advance Payment, Cash, Bank Transfer

If you would like to book a hoiday with us and require a booking form, please email us at buckholtkennels@yahoo.co.uk or use our contact form.



We're here for you:


01424 830 666

Email: buckholtkennels@yahoo.co.uk

Facebook: facebook.com/buckholtdognursery


Please also use our contact form.


Buckholt Dog Nursery 

Buckholt Lane

Bexhill on Sea


East Sussex TN39 5AU

Use postcode TN39 5AX to find us



Are you looking for our

Booking Form?


This can be found on our "Room Charges" page which can be found by clicking the button below.

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